Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Last updated: 21 November 2023

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) governs the processing of personal data of users of the Web-site (as defined below) with a domain name “”.

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data, so take a moment to find out more about our Privacy Policy and contact us if you have any questions.

1. Terms and Definitions

1.1. For the purposes hereof, the following terms and definitions are used:

  • Web-site - the web-site with a domain name “” and a personal account accessible through this website.
  • We (Clickor) - CLICKOR LTD,
  • You (User) – any individual that is using our Web-site and has reached the age of full legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the country of their citizenship.

2. Scope

2.1. This Policy shall govern any interaction between us and users related to personal data when using the Web-site.

2.2. This Policy neither governs nor determines the rights and obligations of third parties.

2.3. Please do not use the Web-site if you do not agree with the provisions and scope hereof.

3. Who processes your personal data?

3.1. The following legal entity is processing your personal data:

4. What is Personal Data?

4.1. Personal data is any information that could enable direct or indirect identification of a person (e.g., their name, passport details, online identifier, etc.).

4.2. In accordance herewith, personal data may be collected both directly and indirectly.

  • (1) Personal data are collected directly when you provide them voluntarily (e.g., when you choose to contact us using a functionality of the Web-site).
  • (2) Indirect collection of personal data may occur automatically when accessing the Web-site. We may use cookies needed to keep you logged in the personal account.

4.3. We collect the required minimum of your personal data for the purposes hereof:

  • (1) Contact information: name, company name, email address, contents of messages you send.

5. Data Processing, Storage and Protection

5.1. “Processing” is understood as at least one of the following: storage, modification, retrieval, disclosure, structuring, use, destruction as well as any other action with respect to your personal data.

5.2. We will process your personal data only for the following purposes and on the following legal grounds:

Data type Processing purposes Legal basis Retention period
(1) Retention period We will use this information to answer your requests and enquiries, as well as to provide service according to the concluded agreements Legal interest to answer your requests and enquiries. Performance of the agreements 3 years since the last contact or the performance of the relevant agreement

5.3. Subject to data anonymisation, your personal data may be used by Clickor for any other purposes.

5.4. We do not use automated decision-making tools (including profiling) in personal data processing. Automated decision-making tools primarily include those systems that process your personal data without human intervention to make decisions that may have potential legal consequences for you.

5.5. Your personal data will be stored on the servers of our counterparties that we are using for operating our Web-site.

5.6. We use Hetzner Online GmbH service for operating our Web-site. Therefore, your data will be stored on the servers of the following legal entity:

  • ⁃ Hetzner Online GmbH (Germany and in Finland)
  • ⁃ Address: Industriestr. 25 91710 Gunzenhausen Germany
  • ⁃ Hetzner Online GmbH Privacy Policy

5.7. Our employees shall also take all necessary organisational, legal and technical measures available to Us for protection of your personal data. Users of the Web-site shall also be responsible to the maximum possible extent for the provision of accurate contact details and any other information required (if any).

5.8. If your personal data is transferred to any third party, the storage time will be determined in accordance with the privacy policy of such a third party. We will do our best to inform them about the deletion of your personal data if necessary.

5.9. Any personal data collected and processed hereunder shall be properly protected unless:

  • (1) you consent to their disclosure;
  • (2) such personal data are anonymised;
  • (3) such personal data are subject to disclosure under the applicable law.

5.10. We will do our best to keep your personal data protected by limiting the number of people who have access to your personal data, using anti-virus software, firewalls and other available means. However, despite any possible measures taken on our part, we cannot guarantee full protection of the Web-site against information security risks.

6. Transfer and Disclosure

6.1. Your personal data could be transferred to the following legal entities:

  • (1) Hetzner Online GmbH (Germany and in Finland)
    Address: Industriestr. 25 91710 Gunzenhausen Germany
    Hetzner Online GmbH Privacy Policy
    Hetzner Online GmbH may have access to the personal data that you provide to us because We use their platform to host the Web-site.
  • (2) our partners - advertisers and influencers with whom we cooperate to provide our service - to an extent it is needed for the provision of service under concluded agreements.

6.2. To ensure the provision of our services, your personal data may also be transferred to a legal entity created after reorganisation of Clickor should it be necessary.

6.3. Please note that disclosure of your personal data may be required in accordance with the law and judicial procedures or at the request of public bodies of the country of your stay or other countries. Your personal data will be disclosed if it is necessary for the purposes of national security, law enforcement, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Clickor and third parties or for other substantial public interest purposes.

7. Children's Personal Data

7.1. To the extent to which it is not prohibited by the applicable law, we do not authorize the use of our Web-site by individuals who have not reached the age of full legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the country of their citizenship without the consent of their legal representatives. We do not collect and process (at least knowingly) their personal data without the consent of their legal representatives.

8. User Rights

8.1. The rights of users related to the collection and processing of personal data shall be determined in accordance with the applicable law.

8.2. If you are a citizen of a European Union member state, your rights with respect to the collection and processing of personal data may be determined in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC).

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you may access, change and/or make additions to, delete, restrict processing and migration of, object to or withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data as well as lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority.

8.3. To exercise any of your rights above and any other rights guaranteed to you by applicable law and if you have any related questions, write to: [email protected]. For issues related to your personal data please contact: [email protected].

8.4. We reserve the right to verify your identity before exercising any rights at your request. In case we are not able to exercise any of your rights or provide any information, we will also explain the reasons to you.

9. Final Provisions

9.1. This Policy may be amended and (or) modified at any time of the Web-site operation. In this case, a notice with information about the changes accompanied by the new version of the Policy and date of its adoption will be published on the Web-site. The user of the Web-site must read and acknowledge the new version hereof.

9.2. The Policy is an agreement between us and the User about the use of the Web-site. Any other pre-existing written or oral agreements or arrangements with respect to such use are hereby cancelled.

9.3. If any provision hereof is invalid or unenforceable, other provisions shall remain valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

9.4. Failure to enforce your strict compliance herewith cannot be construed as our waiver of any provision hereof or any right hereunder.
